Çelpi Çelebi Plastik
Çelpi Çelebi Plastik
PVC Fence Systems

“Horse and human friendly” product for use in horse breeding stud farms, farms, hippodromes, racing and equestrian areas.
Çelpi PVC Fence Post Barrier systems are much more flexible, long-lasting and low-cost in the long run than traditional wooden and iron fences.

Çelpi PVC pole / Barrier systems are designed to be separated from the pole in order to avoid harm to the horse, jockey and rider, and can be mounted quickly and easily later.

PVC Çit Sistemleri

Ahmet Çelebi, one of the founders of our company, laid the foundations of our company’s entry into the plastic industry in the workshop he opened in the 1960s in Bayrampaşa, Istanbul, to manufacture plastic machines. Using the experience, knowledge and skills he gained in line with the conditions of our country and foreign organizations, he produced plastic extruded machine molds in our country as well as Anatolian He entered the sector by establishing the cable collective company.
Our company has taken great steps towards institutionalization in the process from its establishment to the present day. Considering the fact of progressing to the ideals of producing healthy, high-quality and reliable original products for our people, contributing to the development of our country’s economy, producing solutions by using information primarily in the training of employees, our company takes advantage of the ever-developing technology and information to meet customer demands. It acts to realize its expectations and ensure their continuity.
Çelebi aims to meet the growing market needs with its environmentally friendly technology and continues to invest in people and the future. Our aim is to achieve quality above today’s conditions and norms in Turkey.
It is our principle to introduce the innovations we produce meticulously to the plastic market quickly and economically. Our main goal is to be among the world’s companies not only in plastic production in Turkey, but also with our dynamic staff, to apply the acquired knowledge and technology in the right field, and to always keep our quality at the highest level.

ÇELPİ ÇELEBİ PLASTİC Water Retaining Tape PVC Fence Systems filaments